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* Individual Results May Vary

* Individual Results May Vary

K Rochester, NY - Jul 16, 2015

I came here to address ongoing anxiety issues I've had for practically a life time. I developed bad habits as a symptom of my anxiety. I've learned through this experience that I have control over my choices and the anxiety and bad habits don't control me. I've learned to make good choices without worrying whether I'm pleasing everyone else. I'm learning to let go of my anxiety and looking forward to a positive happy healthy future. I know now I'm not meant to live the way I've been living.

dw Rochester, NY - Jun 2, 2015

I signed up with Jason to help me lose weight and get healthy. He gave me the tools to get started on my journey. Hopefully I will continue on this path to realize my dreams and goals. It was a great experience.

D.Marsh Dalton, NY - Apr 22, 2015

My husband and I are extremely pleased with the ROC Hypnosis sessions with Jason. We had tried various treatments such medications, cordisone injections, chiropractic treatments, acupuncture sessions, and message sessions and all gave us limited relief. Hypnosis gave us immediate pain relief in addition to learning techniques to help ourselves continue managing any future bouts of pain should the pain come back. We would highly recommend choosing hypnosis to help with you pain management. Jason is a wonderful hypnotist - very professional!

Kathy P. Rochester, NY - Apr 12, 2015

Jason, As always you are the best!  After our session, I was able to go back to work and actually concentrate on work. For the last couple of months, my left knee and lower leg didn't feel like they were part of me.  I was always aware of them.  I had to concentrate to control the pain and then try to concentrate on work with whatever was left over. A lot of times it took everything I had just to control the pain and get thru the day.

Today after seeing you, I was no more aware of my knee than I am of my right elbow. My knee was just a normal part of my body.  I worked for 3 hours and never thought of my knee once! The pain relief even lasted after I left work.  I started going up the stairs one leg after the other like I used to do before the injury. I will keep listening to our session & I know I will be able to repeat this effect on my own until I can get approved for the surgery to fix me. You are fantastic as always.

Thanks to our sessions last year, I have totally changed the way I eat.  I pass up most of the treats that appear at work. If it is something real special like cheesecake or bakery cookies, I will have a little and really enjoy every bite.  The store bought goodies or donuts don't interest me at all.  During the day I find myself thinking that I have had carbs for breakfast so I need to have a some protein or veggies now.  I end up balancing out my food intake during the day naturally.  The cortisol is the lowest level ever, the blood pressure is staying down no matter how stressful works gets. I am always much calmer than I  used to be. Thanks again for teaching me how to help myself.

Anonymous Rochester, NY - Mar 25, 2015

I decided to come at my weight issues a little differently, than in previous approaches.  I do know what to eat and how to eat a nutritionally balanced diet and I feel like my diet is really clean. I am exercising a few times a week, but nothing is happening. I am on a yo-yo challenge with my weight and "I AM SO DONE WITH IT". Hypnosis was an eye opener to in-between meals habits and the portion size or the need to reward myself when something good happened or bad happened to me.  I had immediate results and then because I did not do my homework it had a less and less effect, for the first week. I got back on track and I am committed to this. I can see the impact on creating the new habits and changing my ways forever. Jason is a professional and took time to explain the process to me. 

Anonymous NY - Feb 26, 2015

I came here because I felt that I often took things ut of preportion and over-reacted. I wanted to change these things. When I first came here, I didn't know what to expect. Jason was extremely helpful and accomodating. I've got a busy schedule and and he was more than willing to work around that. I feel that the sessions have helped a ittle so far, but I knw that if I continue to listen to them, they will help me.

K Washington Rochester, NY - Feb 5, 2015

I reached out to RocHypnosis to get help with weight loss. After doing some research, I found that the reason I kept losing weight and regaining was because of the thoughts in my mind. The hypnosis sessions have taught me how to deeply relax, which has helped in more ways than I can count. I have lost over five inches from just one part of my body so far. I am very excited to continue my journey. I look forward to my results.

Kim Rochester, NY - Feb 3, 2015

I have tried everything to quit smoking, including patches, gum, e-cigs, and acupuncture. I came to Jason for help and I was amazed.  Each session I left feeling refreshed and confident in my ability to quit smoking.  I am very happy with the services I received and will benefit from them my whole life.

Patty Huffman Rochester, NY - Nov 3, 2014

I have recently completed 5 weeks of 8 for weight loss.  I am an emotional eater and have so far lost weight as well as inches.  And best of all, the confidence to be able to make this my lifestyle that will work forever.  Before coming to Roc Hypnosis I had hypertension and high cholesterol becoming more of an issue.  I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and am suppose to have strict diet restrictions, and up until now have been very hard to keep.  Jason is making this very easy for me and I want to say Thank you for helping me help myself.


Roberta NY - Oct 9, 2014

I came in to reduce my dependency on alchol.  Jason and I did 6 sessions.  I faithfully listened to each session nearly every day for reinforcement.

I have reduced my alchol intake dramatically over the last 6 weeks and feel very confident that I am now in control and that I will be able to reduce my dependency even more as I listen to the sessions at home.

Joseph Honeoye Falls, NY - Sep 25, 2014

Working with Jason was nothing but a positive experience that I can not say enough good things about. I came to hypnosis to combat negative thoughts that were holding me back in many areas of life. Within 4 weeks Jason helped me reclaim the amazing power and potential of my mind to banish the thoughts and unleash happiness and confidence that were long buried.  Hypnosis works. I can't think of anything that I could have spent money on that would have benefited my life as powerfully. Give yourself that gift. What ever it is that you stuggle with, the solution is all in your mind!

Lee A. Hilton, NY - Sep 25, 2014

I can searching for help with weight loss.  Emotional eating has been a problem for years.  After my first session, that was gone.  Although I have not lost tons of weight I have lost inches, a few pounds and confidence that I can do this!!  Thank you Jason.

AP Albion, NY - Sep 9, 2014

Came in for self-esteem improvement and morale boost and must say that overall I have no complaints and that it has improved significantly in both aspescts!!! Self esteem has improved the most and hope to keep increasing that more over the next months!!

Jean Rochester, NY - Sep 2, 2014

When I signed up for the 3 (1hour) sessions , I was hoping that it would help me in my day to day life. Part of my first meeting with Jason was to decide what I needed to change in my life which was stress. After my first session I could actually feel that this was definitely going to help me. He kept me focused on that path to help me with dealing with stress, this avoiding snacks and getting a better nights sleep rather than letting my mind wander for hours at a time. My sister visiting from Virginia also attended separate 3 (1 hour) sessions . We both feel that Jason has helped us and by providing the recorded sessions has helped because we both can review them daily for reinforcement which is recommended. He definitely will help you.
Thank You Jason!!!!

Irene Rochester, NY - Jul 18, 2014

My original review was June 22nd... today was the day I crossed a huge hurdle thanks to Jason... I drove myself to Webster for groceries, after not being able to overcome my fear of driving... I used the tools and techniques Jason gave me, and if feel a great sense of achievement today... thank you Jason and Rochester Hypnosis.!!

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